How does Atomic get the rates?
Atomic Wallet receives information from our partner and rate provider - Coin Market Cap. (Total Coins balance in USD)
Rates automatically update when you launch the wallet and refresh every two minutes to give you an accurate value. The same happens when you make send/exchange/receive operations. Every change will show up in USD.
If I add Custom Token will it be shown in USD?
In the most cases: YES.
We receive rates for the most erc20 tokens. If your token does not show up in USD, please contact us via email:
Note: Not all the tokens are seen on CMC. We use another rate provider as well. That’s why in some cases there might be minor calculation inaccuracy. It will be improved in the future releases.
If you see your balance incorrectly - try to reopen the wallet. If it doesn't help, contact our support team.
Here you can see the example of USD refreshing each 2 minutes.
In the meantime, check out our XRP Wallet.