Here is the small guide about Atomic Wallet features:
We provide a convenient interface for cryptocurrency management. On the left tab you can see a list of control buttons:
Wallet - shows you info about assets. Atomic Swap - exchange one cryptocurrency to another without third parties.
Exchange - exchange your funds using Cnangelly, Shapeshift or ChangeNOW.
History - show all transactions that you made. Settings - allows you to change the password, see private keys/mnemonic seed, move funds to Atomic wallet or export errors.log file.

Now let's proceed to the Wallet tab. Main features:
1) Send
Send feature allows you to move assets of the same type on other addresses. For example, I want to move TRON to the other address. Just paste it, choose amount + fees and insert your password.
If you receive any errors -> try again or check values.
To copy address - just click on it. To paste address - use Ctl+V (Cmd+V on Mac).
Hide zero balance:
We have plenty of assets in the wallet. For more convenient usage you can hide zero balance.
Add Token:
You can add any ERC20 tokens in Atomic Wallet. Just insert the token's contract address. You can find them on the etherscan website.
Atomic Swap
This page allows you to exchange LTC-BTC-QTUM with no third-party need. It means that operations handling over blockchain by smart contracts technology.
Shows all available swap request in the app. We created orderbook for Atomic Swaps. You can test it out how it works.
Go to Place order:
Choose the amount and click on the place order. You can set margin, rate and minimum amount. Coin market prices will be updated automatically.
My orders:
You can check your orders status and history.
In the meantime, check out our Cardano Wallet.
Read part 2...